
11 July 2024

New Zealand gas production freefall imperils our economic future

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) data published today shows remaining petroleum reserves continue to diminish while gas supply is also forecast to dramatically decline.

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10 July 2024

Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage framework 'game-changing' for New Zealand’s decarbonisation

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes the release of the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment consultation on a Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) framework for New Zealand.

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14 June 2024

Lower gas production results in significantly higher emissions

Analysis released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) highlighting the continuing decline in New Zealand’s natural gas production shows urgent action is required to secure our energy future.

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10 June 2024

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes oil and gas exploration

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes today’s announcement from Minister of Resources Shane Jones reversing the oil and gas exploration ban and updating the sector’s legislation.

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08 May 2024

Gas scarcity starting to bite – solutions urgently needed

A frosty windless morning has seen electricity prices soar up to five thousand dollars a megawatt hour reflecting the urgent energy security problem New Zealand is facing.

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23 April 2024

Energy Resources Aotearoa shapes sustainable energy future at World Energy Congress

Energy Resources Aotearoa Chief Executive and World Energy Council (WEC) Board member John Carnegie will attend the World Energy Congress, held from April 22nd to April 25th, 2024, in Rotterdam,...

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08 April 2024

Energy Resources Aotearoa adds Channel Infrastructure to membership

Energy Resources Aotearoa is pleased to announce the inclusion of Channel Infrastructure to our fast-growing membership.

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04 April 2024

Powering Progress:Energy Resources Aotearoa Welcomes More New Members

Energy Resources Aotearoa is pleased to announce the addition of the National Energy Research Institute (NERI) and MinterEllisonRuddWatts to our growing membership of energy sector leaders.

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07 March 2024

Energy Resources Aotearoa applauds Government for Fast Track Consenting process

Energy Resources Aotearoa applauds the introduction of fast-track legislation into the house by the Government today.

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06 March 2024

Energy sector tackles investment challenges at Downstream 2024

Experts from the NZ energy sector have raised the alarm on massive looming investment requirements in New Zealand’s energy system.

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05 March 2024

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes granting of onshore petroleum exploration permit

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes the New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals announcement that a new petroleum exploration block has been granted to Greymouth Petroleum in onshore Taranaki.

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15 February 2024

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes comments from Ministers Jones and Brown

Energy Resources Aotearoa applauds Minister of Resources Shane Jones and Minister of Energy Simeon Brown’s ambition to build a “flourishing and growing energy and resources sector.”

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23 January 2024

Carnegie to Chair World Energy Council committee

Energy Resources Aotearoa is proud to announce that its Chief Executive John Carnegie has been appointed as Interim Chair of the Council’s Finance and Audit Committee.

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21 December 2023

Ending GIDI a win for climate action

Getting rid of the Government Investment in Decarbonising Industry (GIDI) Fund is a welcome move that will help restore confidence in the Emissions Trading Scheme to drive net emissions reductions,...

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15 December 2023

Energy sector well-placed to advance COP 28 outcomes

New Zealand's energy sector sees the COP 28 outcomes as showing the real-world pragmatism needed for countries to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

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14 December 2023

MBIE data shows why we need more gas

The latest data release from MBIE, which details a drop in renewable electricity generation in the September quarter, and 47 percent increase in the use of natural gas for electricity,...

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13 December 2023

Energy Resources releases briefing to new Government

Energy Resources Aotearoa has released its briefing to the new Coalition Government ‘Refocusing our energy future’.

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11 December 2023

Report shows Government must act with urgency

The Gas Supply and Demand Study released today from the Gas Industry Company shows that the new Government must act urgently to restore investment confidence in New Zealand’s upstream oil...

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03 December 2023

Scrapping Onslow a welcome move

New Zealand’s energy sector has welcomed the announcement that new Energy Minister Hon Simeon Brown has scrapped the controversial $16 billion Lake Onslow pumped hydro scheme.

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24 November 2023

Energy sector welcomes new Ministers

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes the announcement of new ministers for the sector, following the announcement of the National-ACT-New Zealand First coalition ministry.

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16 November 2023

Science & Engineering Fair inspires next generation

More than 220 enthusiastic young learners packed out New Plymouth’s Devon Hotel, alongside their teachers, parents, and caregivers, for the recent Taranaki Primary Schools Science and Engineering Fair 2023.The two...

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19 October 2023

Accord partners reduce emissions in 2023 update

New Zealand’s carbon emissions are 2.35 million tonnes lower every year than they were in 2010, thanks in large part to efficiency and emissions reduction initiatives by New Zealand’s energy...

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07 September 2023

Growing risk of blackouts need policy changes

The risk of electricity shortages next winter has increased following damage to one of Contact Energy’s gas turbine peaking units in Stratford.

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16 August 2023

Open letter to Energy and Resources spokespeople

Dear Energy and Resources spokespeople across the political spectrumThank you for addressing us at our Energy and Resources Pre-election Panel event on the 26th of July.

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09 August 2023

Policies to improve investment confidence needed to avert energy crisis

Energy Resources Aotearoa has welcomed the release today of a significant package of energy policies for consultation, saying they raise important issues that need to be resolved as we transition...

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18 July 2023

New members strengthen net zero advocacy

Energy Resources Aotearoa is proud to announce two exciting new members that will help strengthen its advocacy for innovative technologies and market-led solutions to power the transition to a net...

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13 July 2023

New Zealand's energy security in peril

MBIE’s latest petroleum data shows the shocking effect of damaged investment signals, with gas reserves dropping below ten years of remaining use for the first time.

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15 June 2023

Energy Resources welcomes guilty verdict

Energy Resources Aotearoa has welcomed the guilty verdict of Rosemary Penwarden on the two serious charges of making a false document and using a false document.In the lead up to...

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03 May 2023

New independent report shows gas trumps coal

A new independent report says that New Zealand’s renewable energy transition should be backed up by domestically produced natural gas, rather than imported high-emissions coal.The independent report by Energy Link,...

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28 April 2023

IEA: Improved policy settings can unlock investment in the transition

The International Energy Agency (IEA) New Zealand 2023 Energy Policy Review has highlighted how better policy settings can leverage more effectively off our renewable advantages.Calling out the 100% renewable electricity...

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27 April 2023

Energy sector to Climate Change Commission: advice an improvement, but more to do

Energy Resources Aotearoa has welcomed the Climate Change Commission’s latest draft advice as more nuanced and reflective of the energy trilemma, but says there are still major areas of improvement.

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29 March 2023

Carbon capture could reduce emissions by 15 million tonnes - report

The energy resources sector is calling for the Government to immediately begin work on an enabling regime for carbon capture technologies or risk missing New Zealand’s net zero emissions targets,...

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22 March 2023

Households, businesses could face extra $7bn in energy costs

Kiwi households and businesses could face more than $7 billion in additional energy costs over the next 12 years if government actions force an early move away from natural gas,...

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16 March 2023

Lake Onslow: $16 billion cloud hanging over energy system

Households and businesses should brace themselves for higher energy prices over the next decade following news that the Government will proceed with the next phase of the NZ Battery project,...

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09 March 2023

Energy resilience needed in face of extreme weather events

Energy Resources Aotearoa has welcomed the latest New Zealand Energy Quarterly report which shows that renewables accounted for 94.7 per cent of electricity generation between October and December 2022.

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08 February 2023

Government’s biofuels decision a good first start - Energy Resources Aotearoa

Energy Resources Aotearoa say news that the Government will no longer impose a biofuels mandate is a good start to changing energy policy and gives firms and consumers much-needed certainty.Energy...

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31 January 2023

Global energy transition report a timely reminder for policymakers - Energy Resources Aotearoa

Energy Resources Aotearoa has welcomed the release of bp’s Energy Outlook 2023, saying it provides equal measures of optimism and caution for policymakers."According to bp’s Energy Outlook 2023, the global...

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15 December 2022

Energy sector welcomes Government restraint in updated ETS settings

Energy Resources Aotearoa has welcomed the Government’s updated unit and price control settings for the Emissions Trading Scheme, saying they preserve stability and predictability in our flagship tool to tackle...

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15 December 2022

Energy Resources welcomes wind announcement

Energy Resources Aotearoa has commended the Government for taking the first steps towards enabling an additional energy option in New Zealand’s energy resources mix.Today’s announcement from Energy & Resources Minister...

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23 November 2022

Govt Crown Minerals changes disappointing - Energy Resources

Changes to the Crown Minerals Act that will no longer require the Government to promote the exploration and development of Crown minerals are disappointing, says Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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14 November 2022

Science & engineering projects show bright future for energy

Energy Resource Aotearoa is congratulating prize winners and entrants of the recent Taranaki Primary Schools Science & Engineering Fair 2022.

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09 November 2022

Fuel initiatives a mixed bag

Energy Resources Aotearoa has welcomed the announcement from the Minister of Energy that provides certainty on timing of the biofuels obligation, but warned that other policies announced today will lead...

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28 October 2022

Natural gas remains critical for energy security and affordability - international report

The International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2022 report shows that natural gas will have a sustained role through 2050 in supporting global energy security and affordability.Energy Resources Aotearoa Chief...

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26 October 2022

Energy Resources welcomes new energy report

Energy Resources Aotearoa has welcomed the release of the BCG’s 'The Future Is Electric' report, commissioned by New Zealand’s leading electricity generation companies, as a thoughtful contribution to the energy...

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06 October 2022

CCC proposal unnecessarily inflates household & business costs

The Climate Change Commission’s proposed changes to Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) settings would increase household and business costs, and a more moderate approach should be taken, according to analysis from...

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05 October 2022

Attract, maintain & upskill talent for NZ's energy future - report

A new report from Energy Resources Aotearoa says the country must take steps to attract, retain, and upskill the individuals that will drive the energy sector of tomorrow.

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22 September 2022

Industry joins together on Gas Transition Plan

Industry bodies GasNZ, Energy Resources Aotearoa, and the Major Gas Users Group (MGUG) have come together to provide united sector input to the Government’s upcoming Gas Transition Plan.The Government’s forthcoming...

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08 September 2022

Collaboration key to attaining net zero goal - report

A new report from Energy Resources Aotearoa details how sharing best emissions-reduction practice across the energy resources sector and working constructively with Government will allow an affordable and orderly transition.Fuelling...

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07 July 2022

Investor confidence key to keep natural gas flowing

Energy Resources Aotearoa says MBIE’s latest release of petroleum reserves data shows the importance of investor confidence in ensuring a continual supply of natural gas in New Zealand.

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05 July 2022

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes skills plan

Today’s launch of the Taranaki Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG) workforce plan, which includes both the energy and food and fibre sectors, has been welcomed by Energy Resources Aotearoa.Energy Resources...

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23 June 2022

Winter blackout risk shows natural gas "vital"

This morning’s warning from Transpower that there was insufficient electricity being generated to meet demand shows the importance of natural gas in New Zealand’s energy mix, says Energy Resources Aotearoa.Energy...

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10 June 2022

New well developments add to New Zealand’s energy mix

Beach Energy’s plan for a potential development well at Kupe would make an important contribution to New Zealand’s energy mix, says Energy Resources Aotearoa.Energy Resources Aotearoa Chief Executive John Carnegie...

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31 May 2022

'Extreme complexity' of energy policy highlighted in ComCom decision

Today’s Commerce Commission decision to allow accelerated depreciation of gas pipeline infrastructure highlights the complex trade-offs we will need to make to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, says...

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24 May 2022

Increasing calls for CCUS highlights ERP blindspot - Energy Resources Aotearoa

Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes the release of Ara Ake’s report Carbon Dioxide Removal and Usage in Aotearoa New Zealand noting it highlights a regulatory blind-spot in New Zealand’s climate policy...

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16 May 2022

Emissions plan will impose unjustifiable costs - Energy Resources Aotearoa

New Zealand’s energy sector is committed to climate action and working constructively with the Government to help it achieve net zero emissions by 2050, but disagrees with the approach outlined...

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02 May 2022

Infrastructure Strategy overlooks energy fundamentals

Energy Resources Aotearoa has cautiously welcomed the release of the New Zealand Infrastructure Strategy but says that it overlooks the important role that the Emissions Trading Scheme and natural gas...

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28 March 2022

Mobil joins Energy Resources Aotearoa

Energy Resources Aotearoa has proudly welcomed Mobil Oil New Zealand Limited (Mobil) as a ground-breaking new member, becoming the first downstream fuel wholesaler and retailer to join.

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02 March 2022

Observer status granted by UNFCCC

Energy Resources Aotearoa is proud to have been granted Observer Status with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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21 February 2022

New members strengthen energy sector advocacy

Energy Resources Aotearoa has proudly welcomed Genesis Energy and Methanex as new members, adding more weight to the organisation’s focus on the wider energy sector.

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30 November 2021

New report highlights ‘the most important climate policy you’ve never heard of’

A new report from Energy Resources Aotearoa is highlighting a fundamental change to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) which makes nearly every other climate policy redundant.

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29 November 2021

It’s time for sensible climate action

It’s time to simplify our climate action with proven tools to reduce net emissions, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa in their submission on the Government’s emissions discussion document.

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25 November 2021

New law on decommissioning could be costly overkill

A new law on decommissioning oil and gas fields passed by Parliament today has good intentions but is overkill, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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13 October 2021

Emissions plan welcomed but too heavy-handed

The Government’s draft strategy on reducing emissions has been welcomed by Energy Resources Aotearoa, but with concerns it proposes a more difficult, complex and painful path than necessary.

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12 October 2021

Report confirms risks to natural gas supply as we transition

A new report by the Gas Industry Co (GIC) has confirmed the need for new investment into natural gas to help us transition and avoid risks to energy security, according...

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08 October 2021

New global ranking highlights our energy vulnerability

The latest global rankings for energy confirm warnings over New Zealand’s energy security, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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13 September 2021

Opinion: Warning signs from blackouts can’t be ignored

New Zealand’s energy shortage isn’t new, but it suddenly became real for thousands of homes caught in power blackouts last month.

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09 September 2021

Decommissioning overkill needs rethink

Proposed new rules for decommissioning oil and gas infrastructure need a rethink to achieve their objectives and avoid unintended consequences, Energy Resources Aotearoa has told a select committee this morning.

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08 September 2021

New members reflect broader focus for Energy Resources Aotearoa

Energy Resources Aotearoa has proudly welcomed Oji Fibre Solutions and Powerco as new members, reflecting the organisation’s new focus on the wider energy sector.

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26 August 2021

Natural gas kept the lights on in 2020 – new figures

Natural gas helped keep the lights on for New Zealanders and made up for shortfalls in renewable electricity in 2020, according to new Government data.

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09 August 2021

Power blackouts highlight urgent energy challenge

New Zealand’s energy shortage suddenly became very real for people shivering in their homes without power, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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06 August 2021

Refinery closure another blow to regional jobs

The decision by Refining NZ to close the Marsden Point refinery is understandable but disappointing, says Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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28 July 2021

All Blacks should be proud of INEOS deal

The sponsorship of the All Blacks by global company INEOS is great news for New Zealand and should be celebrated, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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26 July 2021

New partnership to develop future energy skills

A new skills partnership has been launched in Taranaki today to grow the number of skilled energy workforce supporting the transition to lower emissions.

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07 July 2021

Renewable gas study shows promise

A new study showing the potential of renewable gas made from organic and farm waste has been welcomed by Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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01 July 2021

Cautious welcome of new natural gas reserves

New data showing a 2.6% increase in proved plus probable (2P) gas reserves estimates over the past year has been welcomed, but with a note of caution from Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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23 June 2021

Decommissioning rules require careful consideration

New decommissioning rules for natural gas and oil fields have good intentions but require careful work to avoid unintended consequences, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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10 June 2021

Doubling of coal use shows need for local natural gas

New figures showing a near doubling of coal-fired electricity generation highlight New Zealand’s energy shortage and the need for natural gas as a lower carbon alternative, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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09 June 2021

Climate Commission still proposing unnecessary costs for New Zealanders

The Climate Change Commission’s final advice is still proposing a more expensive, difficult and ineffective pathway than we need to reach net zero emissions, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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02 June 2021

Opinion: Banning new gas connections is still a terrible idea

It’s no surprise to see fierce debate over proposals to ban new natural gas connections from 2025, given that gas is a hugely popular, safe, reliable and affordable energy source...

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28 May 2021

Gas deal welcomed but longer-term solution required

A deal announced today to free up natural gas for electricity generation and industrial use is a good outcome in a tricky situation, says Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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25 May 2021

New modelling shows important roles for natural gas in 2050

New modelling released today shows an ongoing and important role for natural gas until 2050, especially to support renewable electricity in times of shortages.

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24 May 2021

Warning on potential energy crisis must be listened to

A warning there may not be enough natural gas to keep the lights on and ensure security of supply for electricity by 2026 must be listened to, according to Energy...

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17 May 2021

Opinion: Act now to avoid the next energy crisis

It's a grim time for businesses and households impacted by soaring energy prices.

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27 April 2021

Opinion: Don’t make net-zero harder than it needs to be

Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is an admirable and achievable goal, but the Climate Change Commission has proposed a much tougher road than we really need to follow.

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09 April 2021

Efforts to improve quality of law-making welcomed

The proposed Regulatory Standards Bill has been welcomed by Energy Resources Aotearoa as a useful tool in developing better public policy.

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08 April 2021

Bans are not the way to transition

Efforts to phase out coal and natural gas announced by the Government today are a blow to New Zealand’s energy security and well-being, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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29 March 2021

Firstgas decarbonisation plan shows transition in action

Firstgas’s plan to decarbonise its gas network in New Zealand has been welcomed by Energy Resources Aotearoa.

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28 March 2021

Focus on gross emissions puts Commission plan on wrong track

An unnecessary focus on gross rather than net emissions has put the Climate Change Commission on the wrong track, according to Energy Resources Aotearoa’s submission on the Commission’s draft advice.

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11 March 2021

New name and strategy for PEPANZ

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) has officially changed its name to ‘Energy Resources Aotearoa’ to reflect a new and broader strategic approach.

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11 March 2021

End of an era as final exploration permit outside Taranaki surrendered

The surrender of the final exploration permit outside of Taranaki is the disappointing end of an era and a further blow to New Zealand’s energy security, according to the Petroleum...

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03 March 2021

Importing natural gas from Australia another step closer

A new investigation into how imported LNG might be needed to keep the lights on is disappointing but unsurprising, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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24 February 2021

Methanex decision disappointing for Taranaki

The mothballing of a Methanex plant at Waitara Valley is disappointing for the workers, their families and Taranaki, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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23 February 2021

New survey shows increased support for New Zealand’s oil and gas industry

The public’s view towards New Zealand’s oil and gas industry has substantially improved over the last three years, according to the latest survey on behalf of the Petroleum Exploration and...

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16 February 2021

Another blow to New Zealand’s energy security

The surrender of another offshore exploration permit is a blow to New Zealand’s energy security and potential wellbeing, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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31 January 2021

Importance of natural gas to our transition highlighted

The importance of natural gas in lowering emissions has been well highlighted by the Climate Change Commission in their draft advice, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of...

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28 January 2021

Investigation into natural gas supply welcomed

A new investigation into the security and certainty of New Zealand’s natural gas supply has been welcomed by the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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28 January 2021

Blog: Banning natural gas into homes doesn't stack up

By John Carnegie, Chief Executive of the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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18 December 2020

Shrinking exploration puts even more pressure on New Zealand’s energy security

The decision by OMV to surrender over 26,000 square kilometres of offshore exploration puts even more pressure on New Zealand’s long term energy security, according to the Petroleum Exploration and...

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02 December 2020

Hard work begins on climate policy now

The wider energy industry is ready to take a leadership role in the hard work of transitioning following today’s announcement of a climate emergency.

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02 December 2020

Important choices ahead for energy sector in transition

Greater flexibility for remaining natural gas permits could help protect our energy security and deliver a smoother transition, according to a post-election energy briefing from the Petroleum Exploration and Production...

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20 November 2020

No exploration off Canterbury coast disappointing news

The decision not to carry out exploratory drilling for oil and gas off the Canterbury coast next year is disappointing news, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New...

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02 November 2020

PEPANZ welcomes new and returning Ministers

The reappointment of Hon Dr Megan Woods as Minister of Energy and Resources has been welcomed by the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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14 October 2020

Global energy report shows crucial future role for natural gas

Demand for natural gas will continue to grow strongly in Asia over the coming decades, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s new World Energy Outlook 2020.

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12 October 2020

New energy rankings highlight importance of balanced energy system

New Zealand’s 12th place ranking in the global energy trilemma shows the importance of a balanced energy system, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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10 September 2020

100% target needs to be evidence based

A goal of 100% renewable electricity needs to evidence-based and thoroughly tested, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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21 August 2020

Increase in Kupe natural gas reserves good news for New Zealand

A 23% increase in estimated reserves at the Kupe natural gas field is very welcome news for New Zealand, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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20 August 2020

Reduced natural gas supply led to higher prices and emissions

Reduced use of natural gas in 2019 led to higher electricity prices, according to the annual Energy in New Zealand report released today by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

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20 August 2020

New Chair of Electricity Authority welcomed

The appointment of Dr Nicola (Nicki) Crauford as Chair of the Electricity Authority has been welcomed by the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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23 July 2020

National New Energy Development Centre welcomed

The opening of the new energy development centre Ara Ake in New Plymouth today has been welcomed by the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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22 July 2020

New report highlights important energy questions

A new report is highlighting key energy challenges and opportunities facing New Zealand, in particular questions over our future supply of natural gas.

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09 July 2020

Educational campaign highlighting importance of natural gas

An educational campaign on the importance of natural gas to New Zealand’s economic recovery has been re-launched by the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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02 July 2020

Declining natural gas reserves a real concern

New official figures showing declining natural gas reserves are a real worry for New Zealand, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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24 June 2020

Seismic survey policy should be evidence and science based

A proposed ban on seismic surveys is a disproportionate response to a non-existent problem, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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22 June 2020

Gas sector-led collaboration to provide better information on any gas outages

A new industry-led disclosure code for natural gas producers comes into effect today, aimed at increasing information and transparency around any gas outages.

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02 June 2020

ETS changes need to be carefully implemented

Changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) announced today need to be carefully implemented to avoid unnecessary economic damage, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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13 May 2020

How the energy industry can boost Government’s economic plans

Careful changes to regulations could help New Zealand’s oil and gas industry earn increased royalties for the Government and aid the rebuild of our economy, according to the Petroleum Exploration...

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14 April 2020

New oil and gas discovery in Taranaki welcomed

The announcement of a positive result from OMV’s oil and gas exploration well in the Taranaki Basin is very exciting and promising news, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association...

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09 April 2020

New RMA climate change proposals increase cost and uncertainty

Proposals to expand the role of local councils into climate change mitigation under the Resource Management Act would add confusion, complexity and duplication, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production...

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08 April 2020

Pohokura gas supply back online – great news for New Zealand

Natural gas from the Pohokura field is once again helping keep the lights on for New Zealand, thanks to outstanding speedy work by field operator OMV.

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02 April 2020

Natural gas keeping the lights on for New Zealand

New Zealand’s natural gas industry is continuing production through the nation-wide shutdown providing critical energy including electricity to homes, hospitals and essential services.

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30 March 2020

New report into petroleum exploration ban welcomed

A new report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment into the ban on new petroleum exploration permits outside onshore Taranaki has been welcomed by the Petroleum Exploration and Production...

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04 March 2020

Offshore rig protest was dumb and dangerous

The protest action against the COSL Prospector was dumb and dangerous, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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02 March 2020

KiwiSaver ban will cost New Zealanders and do nothing for climate change

A ban on KiwiSaver investment into fossil fuel companies will make New Zealanders poorer in retirement and do nothing for climate change, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of...

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26 February 2020

New survey shows increased support for New Zealand’s oil and gas industry

The public’s view towards New Zealand’s oil and gas industry has markedly improved over the last two years, according to the latest survey on behalf of the Petroleum Exploration and...

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29 January 2020

Rushed ETS reform undermines climate change efforts

The rushed legislative process for the Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Reform) Amendment Bill undermines democracy and our climate change efforts, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New...

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17 December 2019

Drilling consent great news for New Zealand

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)’s consent for potential exploratory drilling off the South Island is great news for New Zealand and the pursuit of affordable secure energy, according to the...

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17 December 2019

PEPANZ welcomes new Climate Change Commission members

The new Climate Change Commission members announced today have been welcomed by the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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12 December 2019

Fall in renewable electricity shows importance of natural gas

New figures out today showing a four percent decline in renewable electricity generation over the last quarter highlights the importance of natural gas as a back-up, says the Petroleum Exploration...

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20 November 2019

Crown Minerals Act review welcomed but requires careful consideration

The review of the Crown Minerals Act has been welcomed by the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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15 November 2019

International Energy Agency report shows major role for natural gas

Global demand for natural gas as a lower carbon energy source will continue to grow in coming decades, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s new World Energy Outlook 2019.

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14 November 2019

New energy scenarios highlight the importance of natural gas

The importance of natural gas for keeping energy affordable, reliable and sustainable in the decades ahead has been highlighted in the BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC)’s future scenarios released today, says...

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12 November 2019

PEPANZ Chair honoured with Taranaki Mayoral Award

The Petroleum and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) is delighted that PEPANZ Chair and Todd Energy CEO Dr Joanna Breare has been honoured with the 2019 Taranaki Mayoral Award...

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08 November 2019

Zero Carbon Bill welcomed

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) has welcomed the near unanimous passage of the Zero Carbon Bill into law.

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07 November 2019

Resource strategy could hinder delivery of affordable and reliable energy to New Zealanders

The new Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy heightens the risk to affordable and reliable energy by failing to recognise the valuable contribution of New Zealand’s entire range of energy resources,...

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24 October 2019

Agricultural emissions deal welcomed as first step

The plan announced today for farmers to reduce emissions is a step in the right direction for New Zealand’s efforts to meet its Paris Agreement commitments as all sectors need...

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01 October 2019

Petroleum Conference 2019 Award winners announced

Beach Energy and Todd Energy have been named the winners at this year’s New Zealand Petroleum Conference Awards.

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30 September 2019

Policymakers urged to unlock the potential of natural gas for New Zealand

New Zealand’s oil and gas industry has published a policy plan for how the sector can deliver major economic, environmental and social benefits for New Zealanders.

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25 September 2019

New PEPANZ CEO announced

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association (PEPANZ) is delighted to announce the appointment of John Carnegie as its new Chief Executive Officer.

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02 September 2019

PEPANZ comment on hydrogen Green Paper

Hydrogen has potential as a future energy carrier but producing it from natural gas is the most obvious and affordable source, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Exploration Association of...

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27 August 2019

PEPANZ comment on draft Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy

“We welcome the effort by the Government to set a shared vision and provide some certainty to industries on the future direction of policy,” says Petroleum Exploration and Production Exploration...

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08 August 2019

No taxpayer subsidies for oil and gas industry

Claims of special tax treatment for the oil and gas industry are incorrect, according to Petroleum Exploration and Production Exploration Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) CEO Cameron Madgwick.

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31 July 2019

New Zealand urged to make the most of natural gas resources

Natural gas has the potential to help New Zealand reach net zero emissions and earn billions in revenue, according to a new publication by the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association...

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23 July 2019

Greenpeace actions ignorant grandstanding

The Greenpeace climb of the Majestic Tower in Wellington is ignorant grandstanding says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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16 July 2019

ICCC report confirms importance of natural gas

The importance of natural gas in keeping power prices down and reducing emissions has been confirmed by the Government’s Interim Climate Change Committee (ICCC), says the Petroleum Exploration and Production...

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13 June 2019

New discoveries needed to avoid natural gas shortfall

New figures showing eleven years of natural gas reserves emphasises the importance of new exploration and development, says Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) CEO Cameron Madgwick.

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10 April 2019

Small step towards new natural gas exploration welcomed

An application to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) by OMV for activity off the Otago Coast is a required step towards further potential work, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production...

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19 February 2019

NZIER report shows $28b blow to economy from oil and gas ban

Last year’s oil and gas exploration decision could cost the New Zealand economy $28 billion by 2050, according to a new study by the New Zealand Economic Institute for Economic...

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03 February 2019

Campaign for continued gas and oil exploration takes to TV

Energy Voices is launching new television advertisements tomorrow, escalating the highly successful, social media driven campaign against the end to new oil and natural gas exploration permits.

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23 January 2019

Increased coal burning shows why we need natural gas

News that coal-fired electricity generation has reached a five-year high shows why we need to keep exploring for natural gas, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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17 December 2018

Just Transitions conference should focus on carbon capture and storage

The Just Transitions conference to be held in Taranaki next year should include a focus on carbon capture and storage technology, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New...

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10 December 2018

New study warns of major energy costs in trying to replace natural gas

A new report today warns there will be major costs to New Zealanders in trying to replace the role of natural gas, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association...

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05 December 2018

Green investment fund must support carbon capture projects

The Government’s new Green Investment Finance project should be open to funding carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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26 November 2018

Potential $1b hydrogen investment shows rethink needed on natural gas

A major potential investment into hydrogen technology in Taranaki shows the need for a re-think on oil and gas exploration, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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14 November 2018

World Energy report shows New Zealand alone in rejecting natural gas

No other country appears to be following New Zealand’s ‘leadership’ in abandoning natural gas exploration, according to the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook for 2018.

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13 November 2018

Energy Voices campaign to keep highlighting impacts of oil and gas decision

The ‘Energy Voices’ public campaign will keep running to give voice to serious concerns over the end to new offshore oil and gas exploration permits, says the Petroleum Exploration and...

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07 November 2018

Oil and gas legislation creates major uncertainty

Workers and communities have once again been ignored with the Government rushing through a law change tonight ending new offshore oil and gas exploration permits, says the Petroleum Exploration and...

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31 October 2018

Call for Government to justify oil and gas decision with proper research

The Government is being asked to pause legislation ending new offshore oil and gas exploration permits until serious economic and environmental concerns have been investigated.

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29 October 2018

Major role outlined for oil and gas in a lower carbon world

Oil and gas have a crucial long-term role and will have much less of an impact on the environment in future, according to a new report released today by the...

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01 October 2018

“Giving a voice to the people” – New campaign launched on oil and gas exploration halt

A new public campaign Energy Voices has been launched today giving voice to public concerns over the end to new oil and gas exploration permits.

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27 September 2018

Rushing oil and gas legislation is an undemocratic disgrace

PEPANZ says it is undemocratic and deeply unfair for the select committee considering changes to oil and gas legislation to have its consultation period slashed to just four weeks.

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24 September 2018

Ending offshore exploration all pain, no gain for New Zealanders

Ending offshore oil and gas exploration could cost New Zealand taxpayers up to $23.5 billion and increase emissions at the same time, according to staggering new figures released by Government...

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21 September 2018

Greenpeace should not be above the law

The decision to discharge two Greenpeace activists without conviction is disappointing and unfair, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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18 September 2018

Call for oil and gas select committee to meet in Taranaki

The select committee that considers legislative changes to oil and gas exploration should meet in Taranaki, according to the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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13 September 2018

Greenpeace has it wrong - no subsidies for oil and gas industry

There are no direct subsidies for the oil and gas industry in New Zealand and Greenpeace has their facts wrong, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

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04 September 2018

PEPANZ welcomes Productivity Commission report

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) has welcomed the Productivity Commission’s report into a low emissions economy, but say the focus needs to be on lowering...

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14 June 2018

NZIER commissioned to look at impacts of oil and gas decision

The economic and environmental impacts of an end to offshore exploration for oil and gas will be the focus of new research commissioned from the New Zealand Institute of Economic...

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06 June 2018

Officials confirm ending exploration a lose-lose for environment, economy

The Government’s own experts have confirmed that ending offshore oil and gas exploration will be a lose-lose for the economy and environment, according to material released under the Official Information...

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27 April 2018

PEPANZ welcomes Productivity Commission report

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) has welcomed the Productivity Commission’s report into a low emissions economy with its emphasis on using the right policy tools.

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16 April 2018

PEPANZ searching for analysis on offshore ban

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) has lodged a series of Official Information Act requests with Government agencies today seeking the analysis behind the ban on...

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12 April 2018

PEPANZ disappointed in Block Offer changes

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) is very disappointed in the Government’s decision to halt offshore Block Offers, saying it is likely to affect New Zealand’s...

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06 April 2018

Petroleum Conference award winners announced

Beach Energy, Kinetic and Petromac have been named the winners at this year’s New Zealand Petroleum Conference Awards.

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26 March 2018

Petroleum Conference starts tomorrow in Wellington

The 2018 New Zealand Petroleum Conference opens tomorrow in Wellington, bringing together 500 delegates from across the oil and gas industry.

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16 March 2018

Shell sale of interests to OMV marks end of an era

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) says the sale of Shell’s New Zealand assets to OMV marks both the end of an era, and a vote...

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09 March 2018

Response to Greenpeace open letter on oil and gas exploration

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) has responded to an open letter from Greenpeace on oil and gas exploration, saying a ban would be a lose-lose...

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08 March 2018

Dr Joanna Breare elected as new PEPANZ Chair

Dr Joanna Breare has been elected the new Chair of the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ), replacing Rob Jager who has stepped down after nearly four...

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13 February 2018

New survey shows broad support for New Zealand’s oil and gas industry

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) has released its latest industry reputation survey, showing improved public understanding of the oil and gas industry in New Zealand.

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29 November 2017

Strong environmental rules already in place for seismic surveys

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) says it would welcome a discussion on how to improve the already strict regulations around marine seismic surveys.

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27 November 2017

PEPANZ Publishes Briefing to Energy and Resources Minister

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) has published it’s briefing to the new Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods today, setting out the industry’s role in...

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15 November 2017

Global demand for natural gas a big opportunity for New Zealand

The International Energy Agency’s new forecast that demand for natural gas will increase 45% by 2040 is a major opportunity for New Zealand, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association...

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30 October 2017

New study shows exciting gas potential for Canterbury

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) is welcoming a new report showing the exciting potential of developing natural gas in the South Island.

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26 October 2017

PEPANZ acknowledges new emissions report

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) says a new report from the Ministry for the Environment today on global and domestic greenhouse gas emissions shows the...

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11 April 2017

PEPANZ Disappointed by Latest Greenpeace Media Stunt

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) says it is disappointed by the latest media stunt from Greenpeace protestors, who today jumped into the water in front...

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25 March 2017

Opinion Piece (Taranaki Daily News)

This week New Plymouth hosts the 2017 New Zealand Petroleum Conference.

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22 March 2017

Petroleum Conference Protest Disappointing but Expected

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) says it is disappointed protestors are attempting to disrupt the 2017 New Zealand Petroleum Conference, but their actions were not...

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22 March 2017

OMV, Shell Taranaki Limited Win Big at Inaugural New Zealand Petroleum Conference Awards

OMV and Shell Taranaki Limited were the big winners at the inaugural New Zealand Petroleum Conference awards announced tonight.

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21 March 2017

Petroleum Conference Opens tomorrow in New Plymouth

The 2017 New Zealand Petroleum Conference opens tomorrow in New Plymouth, the first time the Conference has been hosted in Taranaki.

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08 March 2017

Action Needed To Grow New Zealand’s Petroleum Sector

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) today called on the next Government to review fiscal policy settings, invest in further geological studies of New Zealand’s petroleum...

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11 November 2016

Report shows oil and gas will continue to be cornerstone of world energy supply

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) says a report released this week by the International Energy Agency (IEA) shows oil and gas will continue to be...

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10 November 2016

PEPANZ expresses disappointment in Auckland Council decision

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) today expressed its disappointment in the symbolic decision by the Auckland Council to oppose oil prospecting, exploration and drilling in...

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04 November 2016

PEPANZ congratulates Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Award Winners

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) Chief Executive Cameron Madgwick today congratulated the 15 winners of last night’s Taranaki Regional Council Environment Awards.

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04 November 2016

PEPANZ acknowledges release of South Taranaki District Plan

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) today acknowledged the release of the proposed South Taranaki District Plan.

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27 October 2016

Report shows importance of oil and gas to the marine economy

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association (PEPANZ) Chief Executive Cameron Madgwick today welcomed the release of a Statistics New Zealand report showing the importance of the oil and gas sector to...

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10 October 2016

PEPANZ Congratulates Successful Local Body Candidates

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) Chief Executive Cameron Madgwick today congratulated all the successful candidates elected to serve their communities following the announcement of local body...

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25 July 2016

Oil and Gas Potential Game Changer for New Zealand

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) Chief Executive Cameron Madgwick told Dunedin business representatives today that a significant oil or gas discovery could be a game changer...

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01 July 2016

Petroleum Conference 2017 to be held in New Plymouth

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) Chief Executive Cameron Madgwick says the hosting of the New Zealand Petroleum Conference in New Plymouth next year is a vote...

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01 July 2016

Climate Justice Taranaki wrong on Landfarming

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) Chief Executive Cameron Madgwick says claims by Climate Justice Taranaki that landfarms are toxic waste disposal sites are simply wrong and...

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21 June 2016

PEPANZ Supports Pragmatic Changes Outlined in South Taranaki District Plan

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) told a Review Hearing today that it supports the proposed direction of the South Taranaki District Plan, which will see...

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15 July 2015

Landfarming, a good story to tell

“Landfarming and the benefits it brings is actually a good story to tell. The release of the Landfarming Guidelines brings about a happy ending to the Landfarm debate”, Cameron Madgwick,...

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30 March 2015

Industry welcomes Block offer 2015

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association CEO, Cameron Madgwick, today welcomed the announcement of the 2015 Block offer at this year’s Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit.

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23 March 2015

New Zealand still attractive business destination.

“Low oil prices have brought to the forefront questions about how attractive New Zealand is to new investors looking global for new petroleum opportunities.

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20 March 2015

Debunking myths with science a priority for keynote speaker

“Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit’s keynote speaker, John Hughes, is not afraid to set the record straight when it comes to debunking myths surrounding Seismic surveys, “PEPANZ CEO Cameron Madgwick said today.

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19 March 2015

Report shows job growth in oil and gas industry

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association CEO Cameron Madgwick, today welcomed the release of Venture Taranaki’s report “Wealth Beneath Our Feet – The Next steps” which shows a major growth in...

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18 March 2015

Expert says low oil prices affect public opinion of industry

Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit’s keynote speaker, Tischa Schuller says “Weaker oil prices and reduced exploration are likely to see an increase in public support for the industry in the US.”

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16 March 2015

2 weeks till Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit 2015

“We all know the important role Government plays in the security, regulation and growth of the oil and gas sector in New Zealand.

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09 December 2014

Industry welcomes Block offer 2014

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association CEO, Cameron Madgwick, today welcomed the awarding of the 2014 Block offer.

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01 October 2014

New Zealand Petroleum Summit 2014 expects record turn-out

“The 2014 New Zealand Petroleum Summit will bring oil and industry leaders from across New Zealand, and further afield, to discuss and share insights on some of the country’s most...

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28 July 2014

PEPANZ appoints new CEO

Cameron Madgwick has been appointed as the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association’s new Chief Executive Officer.

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03 July 2014

New Chairman of PEPANZ announced

Todd Energy Chief Executive, Paul Moore, has stood down as Chairperson of the Petroleum Exploration & Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ), to focus on Todd Energy's international portfolio.

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04 June 2014

Industry wants best possible regulation

“PEPANZ welcomes the report released by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment on the environmental impacts arising from the growth of the oil and gas industry in New Zealand,” PEPANZ...

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15 May 2014

PEPANZ welcomes Green Party support for continued oil drilling

“An increase in oil and gas royalties to fund a Green Investment Bank is policy the oil and gas industry is willing to discuss with the Green Party,” David Robinson,...

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11 April 2014

2014 New Zealand Petroleum Summit Announced

Freeman Media and PEPANZ are thrilled to announce the 2014 New Zealand Petroleum Summit will be held 30 September to 2 October 2014 at SkyCity in Auckland.

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16 January 2014

Resource Management and Community Affairs Manager

Small, dynamic organisation seeks capable and energetic resource management/environmental expert for broad and challenging role with a high performing team.

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21 November 2013

Spill unlikely and it’s no secret

“Ensuring that New Zealander's have responsible information about deep sea oil drilling is paramount to ensuring we can have a mature debate about our energy options as a country”,...

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21 November 2013

Industry calls for mature conversation about safe deep sea drilling

The petroleum industry says it hopes Labour Leader David Cunliffe’s announcement today on deep sea petroleum exploration will contribute to a mature conversation about New Zealand’s energy future.

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03 October 2013

Landfarming found to make sandy, coastal farmland ten times better for dairying

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association CEO, David Robinson welcomed the independent report commissioned by the Taranaki Regional Council outlining the significant benefits of landfarming in the Taranaki region.

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27 September 2013

Job opportunity with PEPANZ: Office and Events Manager

PEPANZ is a New Zealand organisation representing the interests of upstream oil and gas producers and service companies.

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17 September 2013

New Zealand Petroleum Summit 2013: Creating an environment for success

Building on the success of the inaugural Petroleum Summit in 2012, PEPANZ and Freeman Media have come together to organise this year’s Petroleum Summit, a two day event were over...

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11 July 2013

Poll shows Kiwis back safety measures at sea

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association CEO, David Robinson, welcomed the results of a Herald-DigiPoll survey that showed nearly three in four New Zealanders support a law change to restrict...

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01 July 2013

Oil and gas key driver for regional economic growth

“The expansion of the oil and gas industry in Taranaki has seen the local economy grow by 46.9 per cent over 4 years, making it the largest growing economy in...

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29 May 2013

Association welcomes new Health and Safety Regulations

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association CEO, David Robinson welcomed the release of the Health and Safety in Employment (Petroleum Exploration and Extraction) Regulations 2013.

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11 March 2013

Let’s talk about New Zealand’s Energy options

David Robinson, CEO of the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association (PEPANZ) and Mike Underhill, CEO of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA), together welcome global energy expert Dr Scott...

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11 December 2012

Blocks offer 2012 brings with it potential for economic growth

“Today’s announcement of the 2012 Blocks offer is an exciting opportunity for New Zealand. This announcement signals growth of the oil and gas industry, the potential to give New Zealand’s...

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27 November 2012

UK Royal Society report into hydraulic fracturing

Shale gas extraction in the UK: a review of hydraulic fracturing.

Shale gas extraction in the UK

27 November 2012

Taranaki Regional Council: Media statement on PCE's report on hydraulic fracturing

The Taranaki Regional Council welcomes the release of the Parliamentary Commisioner for the Environment's interim report on hydraulic fracturing.

Taranaki Regional Council statement on hydraulic fracturing

19 September 2012

New Zealand Petroleum Summit 2012 launches into its first day

“This summit is a chance for industry participants from here in New Zealand, and across the globe, to meet face to face, share experiences, opinions, technical knowledge and processes.

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23 April 2012

Review of the Health and Safety Regulations that apply to the Upstream Petroleum Sector

The Department of Labour is currently undertaking a review of the regulations that provide for the safe exploration for, and production of, petroleum resources.

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