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Taranaki Stem Fest
Industry Association Letter on cross-party consensus
Posted 02-09-2024
About Energy Resources Aotearoa
What we do (and why)
Our Board
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Our Memberships
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Energy Skills Aotearoa
Our energy resources
Our energy mix
The importance of oil and gas to New Zealand
Responding to climate change
Public opinion
Net Zero Accord
Report shows oil and gas will continue to be cornerstone of world energy supply
PEPANZ expresses disappointment in Auckland Council decision
PEPANZ congratulates Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Award Winners
PEPANZ acknowledges release of South Taranaki District Plan
Report shows importance of oil and gas to the marine economy
PEPANZ Congratulates Successful Local Body Candidates
Oil and Gas Potential Game Changer for New Zealand
Petroleum Conference 2017 to be held in New Plymouth
Climate Justice Taranaki wrong on Landfarming
PEPANZ Supports Pragmatic Changes Outlined in South Taranaki District Plan
Landfarming, a good story to tell
Industry welcomes Block offer 2015
New Zealand still attractive business destination.
Debunking myths with science a priority for keynote speaker
Report shows job growth in oil and gas industry
Expert says low oil prices affect public opinion of industry
2 weeks till Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit 2015
New Zealand Petroleum Summit 2014 expects record turn-out
Industry welcomes Block offer 2014
PEPANZ appoints new CEO
New Chairman of PEPANZ announced
Industry wants best possible regulation
PEPANZ welcomes Green Party support for continued oil drilling
2014 New Zealand Petroleum Summit Announced
Resource Management and Community Affairs Manager
Spill unlikely and it’s no secret
Industry calls for mature conversation about safe deep sea drilling
Landfarming found to make sandy, coastal farmland ten times better for dairying
Job opportunity with PEPANZ: Office and Events Manager
New Zealand Petroleum Summit 2013: Creating an environment for success
Poll shows Kiwis back safety measures at sea
Oil and gas key driver for regional economic growth
Association welcomes new Health and Safety Regulations
Let’s talk about New Zealand’s Energy options
Blocks offer 2012 brings with it potential for economic growth
New Zealand Petroleum Summit 2012 launches into its first day
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment: report into Hydraulic Fracturing
UK Royal Society report into hydraulic fracturing
PEPANZ Chairman's Address Our petroleum future
Review of the Health and Safety Regulations that apply to the Upstream Petroleum Sector
Industry welcomes independent inquiry into hydraulic fracturing
Taranaki Regional Council: Media statement on PCE's report on hydraulic fracturing
Petroleum Conference Opens tomorrow in New Plymouth
Petroleum Conference Protest Disappointing but Expected
PEPANZ Disappointed by Latest Greenpeace Media Stunt
Action Needed To Grow New Zealand’s Petroleum Sector
OMV, Shell Taranaki Limited Win Big at Inaugural New Zealand Petroleum Conference Awards
Opinion Piece (Taranaki Daily News)
PEPANZ acknowledges new emissions report
New study shows exciting gas potential for Canterbury
Global demand for natural gas a big opportunity for New Zealand
PEPANZ Publishes Briefing to Energy and Resources Minister
Strong environmental rules already in place for seismic surveys
New survey shows broad support for New Zealand’s oil and gas industry
Dr Joanna Breare elected as new PEPANZ Chair
Response to Greenpeace open letter on oil and gas exploration
Shell sale of interests to OMV marks end of an era
Petroleum Conference starts tomorrow in Wellington
Petroleum Conference award winners announced
PEPANZ disappointed in Block Offer changes
PEPANZ searching for analysis on offshore ban
PEPANZ welcomes Productivity Commission report
Presentation to Prime Minister: Making the 'Just Transition' to lower emissions work
Officials confirm ending exploration a lose-lose for environment, economy
NZIER commissioned to look at impacts of oil and gas decision
PEPANZ welcomes Productivity Commission report
Greenpeace has it wrong - no subsidies for oil and gas industry
Call for oil and gas select committee to meet in Taranaki
Greenpeace should not be above the law
Ending offshore exploration all pain, no gain for New Zealanders
Rushing oil and gas legislation is an undemocratic disgrace
“Giving a voice to the people” – New campaign launched on oil and gas exploration halt
Major role outlined for oil and gas in a lower carbon world
Call for Government to justify oil and gas decision with proper research
Oil and gas legislation creates major uncertainty
Energy Voices campaign to keep highlighting impacts of oil and gas decision
World Energy report shows New Zealand alone in rejecting natural gas
Potential $1b hydrogen investment shows rethink needed on natural gas
Green investment fund must support carbon capture projects
New study warns of major energy costs in trying to replace natural gas
Just Transitions conference should focus on carbon capture and storage
Increased coal burning shows why we need natural gas
Campaign for continued gas and oil exploration takes to TV
NZIER report shows $28b blow to economy from oil and gas ban
Small step towards new natural gas exploration welcomed
New discoveries needed to avoid natural gas shortfall
ICCC report confirms importance of natural gas
Greenpeace actions ignorant grandstanding
New Zealand urged to make the most of natural gas resources
No taxpayer subsidies for oil and gas industry
PEPANZ comment on draft Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy
PEPANZ comment on hydrogen Green Paper
New PEPANZ CEO announced
Policymakers urged to unlock the potential of natural gas for New Zealand
Petroleum Conference 2019 Award winners announced
Agricultural emissions deal welcomed as first step
Resource strategy could hinder delivery of affordable and reliable energy to New Zealanders
Zero Carbon Bill welcomed
PEPANZ Chair honoured with Taranaki Mayoral Award
New energy scenarios highlight the importance of natural gas
International Energy Agency report shows major role for natural gas
Crown Minerals Act review welcomed but requires careful consideration
Fall in renewable electricity shows importance of natural gas
PEPANZ welcomes new Climate Change Commission members
Drilling consent great news for New Zealand
Rushed ETS reform undermines climate change efforts
New survey shows increased support for New Zealand’s oil and gas industry
KiwiSaver ban will cost New Zealanders and do nothing for climate change
Offshore rig protest was dumb and dangerous
New report into petroleum exploration ban welcomed
Natural gas keeping the lights on for New Zealand
Pohokura gas supply back online – great news for New Zealand
New RMA climate change proposals increase cost and uncertainty
New oil and gas discovery in Taranaki welcomed
How the energy industry can boost Government’s economic plans
ETS changes need to be carefully implemented
Gas sector-led collaboration to provide better information on any gas outages
Seismic survey policy should be evidence and science based
Declining natural gas reserves a real concern
Educational campaign highlighting importance of natural gas
New report highlights important energy questions
National New Energy Development Centre welcomed
New Chair of Electricity Authority welcomed
Reduced natural gas supply led to higher prices and emissions
Increase in Kupe natural gas reserves good news for New Zealand
100% target needs to be evidence based
New energy rankings highlight importance of balanced energy system
Global energy report shows crucial future role for natural gas
PEPANZ welcomes new and returning Ministers
No exploration off Canterbury coast disappointing news
Important choices ahead for energy sector in transition
Hard work begins on climate policy now
Shrinking exploration puts even more pressure on New Zealand’s energy security
Blog: Banning natural gas into homes doesn't stack up
Investigation into natural gas supply welcomed
Importance of natural gas to our transition highlighted
Another blow to New Zealand’s energy security
New survey shows increased support for New Zealand’s oil and gas industry
Methanex decision disappointing for Taranaki
End of an era as final exploration permit outside Taranaki surrendered
New name and strategy for PEPANZ
Focus on gross emissions puts Commission plan on wrong track
Firstgas decarbonisation plan shows transition in action
Bans are not the way to transition
Efforts to improve quality of law-making welcomed
Opinion: Don’t make net-zero harder than it needs to be
Importing natural gas from Australia another step closer
Warning on potential energy crisis must be listened to
New modelling shows important roles for natural gas in 2050
Gas deal welcomed but longer-term solution required
Opinion: Banning new gas connections is still a terrible idea
Climate Commission still proposing unnecessary costs for New Zealanders
Doubling of coal use shows need for local natural gas
Decommissioning rules require careful consideration
Cautious welcome of new natural gas reserves
Renewable gas study shows promise
Opinion: Act now to avoid the next energy crisis
New partnership to develop future energy skills
All Blacks should be proud of INEOS deal
Refinery closure another blow to regional jobs
Power blackouts highlight urgent energy challenge
Natural gas kept the lights on in 2020 – new figures
New members reflect broader focus for Energy Resources Aotearoa
Decommissioning overkill needs rethink
Opinion: Warning signs from blackouts can’t be ignored
New global ranking highlights our energy vulnerability
Report confirms risks to natural gas supply as we transition
Emissions plan welcomed but too heavy-handed
New law on decommissioning could be costly overkill
It’s time for sensible climate action
New report highlights ‘the most important climate policy you’ve never heard of’
New members strengthen energy sector advocacy
Observer status granted by UNFCCC
Mobil joins Energy Resources Aotearoa
Infrastructure Strategy overlooks energy fundamentals
Emissions plan will impose unjustifiable costs - Energy Resources Aotearoa
Increasing calls for CCUS highlights ERP blindspot - Energy Resources Aotearoa
'Extreme complexity' of energy policy highlighted in ComCom decision
New well developments add to New Zealand’s energy mix
Winter blackout risk shows natural gas "vital"
Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes skills plan
Investor confidence key to keep natural gas flowing
Collaboration key to attaining net zero goal - report
Industry joins together on Gas Transition Plan
Attract, maintain & upskill talent for NZ's energy future - report
CCC proposal unnecessarily inflates household & business costs
Energy Resources welcomes new energy report
Natural gas remains critical for energy security and affordability - international report
Fuel initiatives a mixed bag
Science & engineering projects show bright future for energy
Govt Crown Minerals changes disappointing - Energy Resources
Energy Resources welcomes wind announcement
Energy sector welcomes Government restraint in updated ETS settings
Global energy transition report a timely reminder for policymakers - Energy Resources Aotearoa
Government’s biofuels decision a good first start - Energy Resources Aotearoa
Energy resilience needed in face of extreme weather events
Lake Onslow: $16 billion cloud hanging over energy system
Households, businesses could face extra $7bn in energy costs
Carbon capture could reduce emissions by 15 million tonnes - report
Energy sector to Climate Change Commission: advice an improvement, but more to do
IEA: Improved policy settings can unlock investment in the transition
New independent report shows gas trumps coal
Energy Resources welcomes guilty verdict
New Zealand's energy security in peril
New members strengthen net zero advocacy
Policies to improve investment confidence needed to avert energy crisis
Open letter to Energy and Resources spokespeople
Growing risk of blackouts need policy changes
Accord partners reduce emissions in 2023 update
Science & Engineering Fair inspires next generation
Energy sector welcomes new Ministers
Scrapping Onslow a welcome move
Report shows Government must act with urgency
Energy Resources releases briefing to new Government
MBIE data shows why we need more gas
Energy sector well-placed to advance COP 28 outcomes
Ending GIDI a win for climate action
Carnegie to Chair World Energy Council committee
Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes comments from Ministers Jones and Brown
Energy sector tackles investment challenges at Downstream 2024
Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes granting of onshore petroleum exploration permit
Energy Resources Aotearoa applauds Government for Fast Track Consenting process
Powering Progress:Energy Resources Aotearoa Welcomes More New Members
Energy Resources Aotearoa adds Channel Infrastructure to membership
Energy Resources Aotearoa shapes sustainable energy future at World Energy Congress
Gas scarcity starting to bite – solutions urgently needed
Scotland’s Net Zero Technology Centre visit highlights the positive future role of natural gas
Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes oil and gas exploration
Lower gas production results in significantly higher emissions
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage framework 'game-changing' for New Zealand’s decarbonisation
New Zealand gas production freefall imperils our economic future
Energy sector welcomes release of vocation education and training proposals
Methanex helps keep lights on but underlying problems remain
New Zealand natural gas is a cheaper, faster, and more reliable way to power our future
Energy Resources Aotearoa joins call for cross-party consensus on energy policy
Industry Association Letter on cross-party consensus
Massive increase in coal-fired generation proof that gas is needed to fuel New Zealand’s future
Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes Crown Minerals Amendment Bill
The Crown Minerals Amendment Bill helps, but more is needed to make a difference
Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes pragmatic approach in Electricity GPS
John Carnegie elected to World Energy Council Board
NZ innovating towards energy security with supercritical geothermal technology
Gas scenarios cold comfort to energy users
Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes new Climate Change Commission Chair
New report demonstrates tangible emissions reductions by energy sector participants
Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes new Minister of Energy
New flexibility product protects Kiwi businesses from spiking electricity prices
CCUS announcements move New Zealand toward a lower emission future
High renewable generation masks mounting deindustrialisation crisis
Resource Management reform set to streamline desperately needed thermal generation
Energy Resources Taranaki Forum
Women in Energy
Speaking Engagements
Recent Events
Taranaki Stem Fest